About Alison:
age: 23
birthday: April 7, 1986
address: n/a
ethnicity: caucasian
height: 5'8"
weight: n/a
measurements: 36-26-36
hair: blonde
eyes: gray
About site:
created:August 27, 2005
added: December 10, 2006
pictures: 89 big galleries
videos: 100's hours
updates: every 3-4 days a new update, with a photoset and one or more 20-60+ megabyte video update
niche: fashion, nudes, toy play, masturbation, and some unique fetish themes
Favorite food: Anything ;)
Favorite color: Pink
Favorite wear: Jeans and heels & cute top
Favorite number: Seventeen
Favorite restaurant: Panara Bread
Favorite animals: Horses, bunnies and puppies
Dream car: Ferrari F430 or a Lambo
Favorite person: my little brother
Favorite snack: swedish fish (gummy bear!)
Favorite holiday: Christmas
Favorite things to do: shopping, dirt bike riding, camping, playing softball, hanging out with friends & family
My 'likes': The color pink, shopping, driving fast, streetbikes, school, football games, grandma’s cooking, taking pictures, working, lacy panties, big trucks, soft fluffy furniture, sunshine, dancing, fairies, mermaids
My 'dislikes': Raw fish, slow drivers, people that think they are better than everyone, smokers, scorpions, tennis, golf, gold jewelry, too many tattoos, the dark!, mystery meat, math, bad hair days, flavored water, jazz music, soda